Tuesday, February 28, 2017

March, is the perfect time to check the bushes since it will be easy to get at and don’t begin budding yet. You can do it now to avoid the insects and the up coming hot weather.  Most air conditioner manufacturers recommend a minimum of 10” worth of air space all the way around the AC unit. We really recommend for 12’’ of air space around the air conditioner.

The coil fins are made of aluminum after all. If the fins are littered with leaves or grass clipping you can use a brush or even your hands to pick them clean. If they have a cottonwood, lint or spider web blanket on their surface, like the picture shows, than use your garden hose to clean it off. Take care not to damage the coil

To prepare your central air conditioner we can help you avoid serious complications and unnecessary expenses when temperatures start rising. Or It may even help you avoid being uncomfortable, if you need a service repair, by handling the situation early on. If you are concerned about efficiency and maximum performance than I encourage you to contact NY Boiler & AC Repair otherwise please enjoy the up coming weather.

Call us at: 516-377-5200

By Nancy Ramirez

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